TB&P Daily: Brooke Vines of Vines Media

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 920 views 

Vines Media CEO Brooke Vines was a guest on Monday’s Talk Business & Politics daily digital newscast.

Vines, who has steered the Little Rock-based media firm for 15 years, discussed changes in marketing and an upcoming tech conference.

Vines Media is a digital and traditional media buying and planning company and next week the firm will host an all-star half-day conference to help navigate “digital clutter,” develop innovate approaches to media development, and to learn how to harness new ideas in the marketing spectrum.

The lineup of speakers includes:

  • Janneke van Geuns, Head of Analytics & Insights, Google
  • Patrick Hanlon, CEO, Thinktopia and author of Primal Branding and The Social Code
  • Maria Rapetskaya, Founder, Undefined Creative
  • Michael Collins, Founder, Be Story Driven
  • Regine Gilbert, UX Instructor and Consultant
  • Dr. Michael Kleine, Professor and Author
  • Holly Krepps, Co-owner, Circle Yoga Shala
  • Touseef Mirza, CMO, The Advertising Research Foundation

The program will take place at Heifer Village, One World Ave., Little Rock, from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. A reception will immediately follow. Visit this website for more information.

And watch Brooke Vines full interview below.