Does Your Business Belong? (EDITORS NOTE)
by January 4, 2016 12:00 am 83 views
Kicking off a new year seems like an appropriate time to discuss a year-long undertaking at the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal — our annual Book of Lists.
Subscribers to the Business Journal received the most recent Book of Lists with their Dec. 21 issue, and I feel like it’s a definitive resource guide related to doing business in Northwest Arkansas. No other publication offers such wide-ranging listings of the firms specifically in our area.
Working on the lists requires us to get started weeks and sometimes months before each list is published, and we couldn’t complete them without the Northwest Arkansas business community, which takes the time to help us update information in a timely manner. For that, we are very appreciative.
Each list is basically a snapshot of a particular industry at that moment in time. The date each list initially was published is noted at the bottom of the page. Lists are printed as they appeared during the year, with a few exceptions. In the case of an omission, qualifying companies were added to the updated lists for the Book of Lists.
The best news? Subscribers get the Book of Lists for free. It can be purchased by non-subscribers for $25.
In an area as dynamic as Northwest Arkansas, there are always new companies to add to our database. I want to make sure to include information on as many of them as possible, so if your business belongs on one of our lists and hasn’t been in the past, let us hear from you.
The qualifying criteria for each list is different; however, a company must have an office in Northwest Arkansas, although they need not be based here for the majority of the lists.
A complete editorial calendar of lists for 2016 is published in this issue on Page 9. If you wish to be surveyed when a particular list is next updated, you can contact me directly at [email protected].