Thanksgiving thoughts from Arkansas’ entrepreneurial community
by November 24, 2015 12:20 pm 130 views
Thanksgiving is an under appreciated holiday sometimes, it seems. There is so much hype around Halloween and Christmas, and even Black Friday, that Thanksgiving gets left behind.
I can remember that my favorite Thanksgivings always involved going to my grandparents’ house. My grandpa had a farm in rural northern Arkansas, on the banks of the Strawberry River in Izard County. It was, literally, at the end of the road. The simple house had an old wood stove in the living room. When I was really young, my granny would boil water and leave the coffee pot on that wood stove.
It wasn’t glamorous at all, but my brother and I loved that old Woods Farm. We spent many summer weeks there, but the holidays were different. The family was there. In the Fall and Winter, it could get cold, so, we would all congregate around that stove to stay warm. It wasn’t just the wood stove that made us warm, but being with our family.
One year, my family moved on Thanksgiving. We spent a little extra time at the Woods Farm, that year, waiting for our new home to be populated with our furniture.
I once spent Thanksgiving by myself when I lived in Fort Worth. It was a little lonely, but I made the best of the situation. I decided I would do something different, so waffles were the main dish. I may not have had the traditional meal, but it was still Thanksgiving. I was thankful I could make my waffles.
Thanksgiving is a chance to stop, take a moment, and reflect. We have much to be thankful for, whether it is our family, our friends, our church families, our careers and whatever else there may be.
I asked a few of our Arkansas entrepreneurs their favorite childhood memories of Thanksgiving and the top two or three things they are thankful. I am thankful they answered.
Steve Rice, Venture Center
I almost burned my house down on Thanksgiving once because I’d removed ashes from the wood-burning stove before they were completely cooled and they started smoldering in the carpet.
Thankful for work I love, family and friends, and my health.
Jeff Standridge, Acxiom, Cadron Creek Capital
One of my favorite childhood memories involves gathering at my Grandparents’ farm with my grandparents and all of my uncles, aunts and cousins. We lived in the small town of Glenwood, Ark., and would spend the entire morning of Thanksgiving cutting loads and loads of firewood to heat everyone’s homes, then we would share a hearty Thanksgiving meal together. The afternoon would either result in a family-wide football game or all of the cousins playing in the haystacks in the barn – a simple, yet very significant memory in my life.
I am most thankful for the people in my life as they are at the core of everything I cherish and hold dear.
1.) My blood family
2.) My church family
3.) My work and community family
Brett Amerine, Startup Junkie Consulting
Spending time on my grandparents farm.
My family, and their health, and the time I get to spend with them.
My outstanding team members at Startup Junkie and Community Venture Foundation.
Our amazing funding partners: The SBA, Winrock International, and the Walton Family Foundation. Along with our great team, the positive impact that we are able to have on the community would not be possible without their leadership and support.
Eric Wilson, Noble Impact
Every year, the grandchildren deploy a variety of different tactics to deceptively snag pieces of turkey once it’s removed from the oven and before it is officially blessed and served. If you’re caught in the act, be ready for quick slap on the hand from Mammaw. I wish I could say adulthood has matured us, but this tradition continues.
I am thankful for the team we are building at Noble Impact. Top-tier talent will always have options. Every person at Noble has either started a company or created huge value for organizations. Some have done both. Each person has made a personal choice to invest their time, energy and creativity into making sure every Arkansas student has a relevant and purpose-driven education. They challenge and inspire me everyday.