StoryClip Helps Create Meaningful Moments For Funeral Homes
by September 16, 2015 10:17 pm 221 views
Ask anyone who has lost a loved one, and they will tell you about the need for the funeral home they are working with to be respectful, compassionate help celebrate the deceased’s life.
StoryClip is helping funeral homes to create meaningful moments to help memories last a lifetime.
From the StoryClip website:
“StoryClip provides a small tablet-based kiosk at your funeral home that makes it simple for family and friends to leave a video telling the family how much they appreciate the person being honored. This service enhancement adds value to your funeral home while allowing families to preserve cherished memories for years to come.”
Talk Business & Politics’ Todd Jones caught up with Dustin Vik, President and Co-Founder of StoryClip, to get a little more information about the new product.
TB&P: What problem are you trying to solve?
Vik: Funeral Homes have a difficult time marketing and advertising their business in a tasteful, thoughtful manner.
Their business is very unique in that regard. Unlike many businesses, bold, prolific marketing and advertising pieces could do more harm to their brand than good. StoryClip is designed to overcome that challenge, allowing funeral homes to:
1. Create a strong emotional bond with your clients, families and guests;
2. Dramatically increase your positive word-of-mouth marketing in a thoughtful and tasteful manner;
3. Generate a steady stream of clients, week-after-week, month-after-month, and year-after-year;
4. Create a brand new revenue stream that could significantly increase your bottom-line profits:
And all of this happens for less than a funeral home likely spends on their monthly janitorial bill or their coffee service.
One feature that will be added to a future release of StoryClip, will be the ability to use the service for Pre-arrangement videos as well. More to come on that.
TB&P: What story lead to this purpose/mission?
Vik: After working in the funeral industry for just a short time, I began to realize the difficulty in tastefully and thoughtfully marketing and advertising a funeral home. As you well know, unlike many other businesses, bold and prolific advertisements for a funeral home can do more harm than good to a home’s public image.
But also, during a memorial visitation, the words of condolence and encouragement from so many people at one time can become a blur.
So, I set out to solve this problem for funeral homes around the country, as well as their clients. StoryClip provides funeral home clients and their families the opportunity to preserve cherished memories for a lifetime.
TB&P: What platforms are you using? Web? mobile? Other technologies?
Vik: StoryClip is a 100% cloud-based application. New memorials can be created and managed via web or any mobile device to access your StoryClip Dashboard, the memorial appears automatically on the kiosk provided.
The simple design and process is created to run automatically without any preparation from the funeral home and to be easy and friendly for those without technology experience to leave a video.
TB&P: What are your future goals?
Vik: For the foreseeable future, our goals are focused on getting StoryClip into as many funeral homes as possible, as well as how we can add new features and functions so that it remains innovative, easy-to-use, and so that it drives the right kinds of results for funeral home owners and managers. Success for StoryClip will be achieved if the growth in subscriptions and new funeral homes coming online matches the initial response.
TB&P: Have you received validation from users/customers?
Vik: We are in the “soft launch” of our product currently and are planning the official release in conjunction with the National Association of Funeral Directors International Convention in Indianapolis on October 18th.
But, during the soft launch we have several funeral homes that are very interested. In fact, we have one group of funeral homes that is currently piloting the application. Their intention is to roll it out to all 75 homes in the group following the pilot.
Sometimes the funeral home industry struggles with perception, but I can say, from personal experience, their expertise and respect are essential. StoryClip combines that with the latest technology to help further the funeral homes ability to serve their clients.
You can learn more about StoryClip at their website and check them out on Facebook and Twitter.