API Launches Ad Campaign Seeking To Overturn U.S. Oil Export Ban - Talk Business & Politics

API Launches Ad Campaign Seeking To Overturn U.S. Oil Export Ban

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net) 123 views 

The American Petroleum Institute, the powerful trade group that represents the nation’s oil and gas sector, has launched a new series of ads aimed at overturning the nation’s decades-long ban of crude oil exports.

“We’re speaking directly to the consumers and workers who will benefit from lifting these outdated trade restrictions,” said API’s executive vice president for government affairs, Louis Finkel. “The House and Senate are considering bipartisan legislation to lift the ban, and it’s important to share the facts on how free trade in oil could create new jobs, put downward pressure on fuel costs, and strengthen our energy security.”

The new television and online campaign will begin this week in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia. The ads feature quotes from major U.S. news outlets explaining how lifting America’s ban on oil exports could spur additional U.S. energy production, generate jobs, protect consumers and strengthen U.S. allies.

API officials said the campaign is a key component of the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying group’s broader energy literacy efforts, emphasizing the importance of updating U.S. energy policies to reflect America’s rise as a global energy superpower.

“Study after study, including last week’s report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, shows that allowing U.S. oil exports could benefit consumers and sharpen America’s competitive edge. And our allies around the world are eager to reduce their reliance on less friendly nations,” Finkel said. “As lawmakers consider a deal that would put Iran’s crude on the global market, it’s worth asking why U.S. producers don’t yet have that same access to customers abroad. Now is the time to act, and we appreciate the efforts of leaders in Congress who are pushing to quickly harness America’s economic and diplomatic potential as an energy superpower.”

A bill to lift the 1970s-era ban on oil exports was approved last week by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power. H.R. 702 is sponsored by Rep. Joe. Barton, R-Texas.

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