“Curtain Up On Murder” (dark night fund raiser)

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The Literacy Council is excited to have the opportunity for a fund raiser in the form of a "dark night" at the Little Theater at 401 North 6th Street on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.  The play is a hilarious and spooky mystery called "Curtain Up On Murder".

The Literacy Council will begin selling tickets July 13 for $10.00 each.  Staff and Literacy Council volunteers will be ushering people to their seats, selling refreshments, and then cleaning up in order to provide funds for the work carried on at the offices of the council at 300 South 11th Street in Fort Smith.  There will be two John Bell Prints for bids during the play, one is "Into The Territory" one of the Marshal Series and the other is "Snow Train" a scene of an engine with a snow plow clearing the first snow of the season from the tracks with the golden aspen tree leaves in the background.

At the Literacy Council of Western Arkansas we offer help to adults in improving their reading, writing, math skills and also have classes for people from foreign countries to learn to write and speak English as well as to help them when they choose to become American Citizens.