15 Quotes That Matter (OPINION)
by May 11, 2015 12:00 am 120 views
Quotes matter. We post them on our refrigerators using magnets, we carry them on laminated cards in our wallets, we tattoo them on our bodies with ink.
So, in the same spirit of a previous article I wrote titled “15 things I’ve Learned Since I was in my 20s,” I’d like to share “15 Quotes that Matter,” as we celebrate this year’s Fast 15 class.
“Understand who you are, get comfortable with it and get on down the road.” (Larry Duff) You are enough. Period. Now go take the path less traveled.
“All humans face the same issues, just in varying magnitudes and in different sequencing.” (John M. Lewis) We are all far more alike than we are different.
“You have three choices when bad things happen to you: You can let them destroy you, you can let them define you or you can let them develop you.” (unknown) Development is the only choice that moves you forward.
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” (Albert Einstein) There are tangibles and intangibles in life. The scoreboard is far more complicated than a simple tally of wins and losses.
“We all have stand-down moments that require us to stand up … to stand up in the center of ourselves, and know who we are.” (Oprah Winfrey) Will we all act with courage when the time comes?
“Teaching is merely showing that something is possible. Learning is making something possible for yourself.” (Paulo Coelho) Go and sit at the feet of the greatest teachers. And then tell me what you have learned.
“You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.” (From the film “The Bucket List”) In a world full of constant comparisons, it seems as though we’re all just trying to measure up. In reality, where we place our yardstick matters a great deal.
“Even when no one else knows, you know. And you have to answer for that.” (Retired Lt. Col. Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch) All humans came equipped with an inner voice for a reason. Learn to listen.
“If we concentrated on the really important things in life, there would be a shortage of fishing poles.” (Doug Larson) Dad was right about that. And he was right about a lot of other things, too.
“Save the earth … it’s the only planet that has chocolate.” (unknown) Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate. In candy bars, milkshakes, or straight from the syrup container. Chocolate matters! And so does a sense of humor.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” (Rumi) The gray areas will always present the hardest conversations to reconcile. And yet within the shades of gray, we seem to find perspectives we can all agree on.
“It doesn’t matter what others do. It matters what I do.” (Stacey Mason) I am responsible for my actions. And I am equally responsible for my inactions.
“It’s hard growing up fitting in — it’s even harder standing out.” (unknown) Perhaps there will always be the constant internal struggle for both popularity and singularity.
Congratulations to the newest honorees of the Fast 15. I wish you much continued success.
Ancora Imparo … (Still, I am learning).
Stacey Mason is the owner of Mason On Leadership, a leadership consultancy that focuses on behavioral assessments and executive coaching. Improve Thru Improv® is her trademarked platform that merges business acumen with improvisational techniques to deliver personal insights and powerful strategies. More information is available at masononleadership.com or by calling 479-877-0131.