Sherwood Aerospace Firm Announces 8 New Deals, Will Double Workforce
by April 2, 2015 5:01 pm 246 views
In an emotional ceremony where owners Gina and Wade Radke alternatively laughed and cried about their 10-year odyssey as business owners, Sherwood-based Galley Support Innovations (GSI) announced plans to expand its current Sherwood location and double its 25-person workforce over the next three to five years.
The aerospace manufacturing firm that makes locks, hinges, latches and other interior parts for Dassault Falcon, Gulfstream and other luxury aircraft builders also proudly publicized that the local company has won eight bids for “multimillion-dollar” contracts that are the impetus for the additional workers and larger facilities.
“So much time, investment and sweat has gone in building this business,” Wade Radke told a cheering audience of more than 150 people. “We’ve been in business for 10 years this month, and it has just been amazing.”
During the ceremony that included Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin, Sherwood Mayor Virginia Hillman Young, state economic development and aerospace industries officials, GSI employees, family and friends, and a host of local business partners and vendors, Radke spun several emotional stories about the company’s struggles during its early years.
Wiping tears from his eyes, Radke told the crowd a colorful story about the couple’s decision 10 years ago to move the company from California to Arkansas, and later explained a hilarious tale about winning a contract with Gulfstream by writing the business plan on napkins.
“We sold it and the rest is history,” Radke said. “We got here through a lot of hard work, sacrifice and a lot of commitment.”
Following Radke’s passionate and emotive sermon-like speech, his wife and CEO Gina gave the details of the company’s recent business activity and thanked local business partners, family, friends and employees for their role in the company’s success.
Radke also credited local and state economic developers for helping GSI get its first big industry contract in 2007, when the Sherwood Chamber of Commerce alerted the local business owners about the National Business Aviation Association Tradeshow that a convoy of Arkansans planned to attend.
“We had never been to the tradeshow … but we said: ‘Why not? Let’s go with them,’ and we made our first contact with Dassault and began a relationship with them,” the GSI chief executive said.
The next year, Radke said, the local couple attended the national aerospace industry tradeshow again and was able to win business with Gulfstream. “The state has been amazing to us,” she said.
Following the Radkes’ emotional speeches and a brief talk by Chad Causey, executive director of the Arkansas Aerospace and Defense Alliance, a hyped-up Griffin told the cheering crowd that he was excited to hear GSI’s amazing up-by-the-bootstraps story.
“While I was sitting and listening to both you, I was thinking this ought to be a movie,” Griffin said. “This story needs to be told. You had a choice, but you chose Arkansas.”
Following the 50-minute ceremony, GSI officials gave a tour of the company’s Sherwood offices and manufacturing facilities, where some of the local aerospace manufacturer’s latest innovations include self-assist door and magazine hinges, frictionless strikers and hidden striker latches. In addition, GSI and its partners produce faucets, sinks, chairs, food storage compartments, placards and anything else needed to complete a galley, or kitchenette for luxury aircraft.
The company recently purchased another 14,000 square-foot facility next to its current location, which will expand its operations to 21,000 square feet.
GSI’s announcement on Thursday included eight new aerospace deals, two contract renewals, and the award of a $120,000 Community Block Development Grant (CBDG) from the state of Arkansas.