Fourth Tuesday Moleben
by April 15, 2015 10:01 am 118 views
Beginning Tuesday, April 28, Sts. George and Alexandra Orthodox Church invites all to the monthly “Fourth Tuesday Moleben” healing and anointing service at 6pm, at Sts. George and Alexandra Orthodox Church, 7500 Mahogany Avenue, Fort Chaffee. Fellowship will follow.
Sts. George and Alexandra Orthodox Church is introducing a new monthly prayer service for healing and anointing of the sick with blessed oil, beginning Tuesday, April 28 and repeating every Fourth Tuesday of each month, thereafter.
Called the “Fourth Tuesday Moleben”, the service is open to the public and all are invited to the service which will be conducted by an Orthodox priest asking Christ our Savior for spiritual and bodily healing for the sick and suffering.
The Moleben service is not a Sacrament and is open to all who seek healing in Christ.
Directions to Sts. George & Alexandra: Heading East from Fort Smith on Hwy 22, drive through Barling. From the traffic light at the intersection of Hwys 59 and 22, proceed 6/10 of a mile on Hwy 22 to Mahogany Ave, the first entrance into Chaffee. Turn right onto Mahogany and drive 6/10 of a mile to the church on the right side of the street.