“Fourth Tuesday Moleben Healing Service”
by April 27, 2015 3:09 pm 77 views
Tuesday, May 26, Sts. George and Alexandra Orthodox Church invites all to the monthly “Fourth Tuesday Moleben” healing and anointing service at 6:30pm, at Sts. George and Alexandra Orthodox Church, 7500 Mahogany Avenue, Fort Chaffee. Fellowship will follow.
Directions to Sts. George & Alexandra: Heading East from Fort Smith on Hwy 22, drive through Barling. From the traffic light at the intersection of Hwys 59 and 22, proceed 6/10 of a mile on Hwy 22 to Mahogany Ave, the first entrance into Chaffee. Turn right onto Mahogany and drive 6/10 of a mile to the church on the right side of the street.
The Moleben service is not a Sacrament and is open to all who seek healing in Christ.
More information can be found online at fortsmithorthodox.org