NWA Women in Business: Catherine Moore Womack, M.D.

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Age: 45

Residence: Fayetteville

Education: B.S., biology/chemistry, University of Arkansas-Little Rock; M.D., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; internal medicine residency, Baylor College of Medicine

Professional background:
Dr. Womack has spent the past 17 years in the health care industry, the past 10 overseeing IMWell Health.


What are the attributes of a good leader? “Honesty, communication and commitment.”

What other female leaders do you admire and why? “Margaret Thatcher, for her honesty and economic vision. She broke the ‘glass ceiling’ as the first female Prime Minister in the UK and was a champion of entrepreneurs. You have to admire someone whose nickname was ‘The Iron Lady.’ Madam Curie, for her pure scientific brilliance. She won two Nobel awards in two different fields, chemistry and physics.”

What do you want IMWell Health, LLC to accomplish in the next year? “Expansion into the Texas market.”

Have you had to deal with gender bias in your career? If so, how did you handle it? “Yes, in both the clinical and business setting. I used it as an opportunity to challenge the conventional gender stereotypes and to change the ideal of what women can accomplish in the workplace. Most people recognize excellence irrespective of gender.”

What advice would you give a younger version of yourself, just starting your career? Would you do anything differently? “To question convention and think outside the box. Medicine is two parts clinical knowledge and one part business. Knowing what I know now, I would have taken more business classes in college.”

What drives you to succeed? “I want to be part of the solution that fixes the broken health care system. I believe you can provide high-quality medical care, delivered efficiently and effectively if the patient, provider and employer incentives are aligned to reach that outcome.”

What or who has been your greatest influence in your career and why? “Jesus, because he had the attributes of a great leader — honesty, commitment and communication.”

If you were going to write an autobiography, what would it be titled? “I May Be Small, But I’m Mighty.”

What do you do to unwind/for fun? “I like to play tennis, kayak and read.”

What motivated you to choose the field you’re in? “I have always been fascinated with the human body and that fascination led to a career in medicine.”

Was there ever a time when you considered doing something else? “No.”

Success oftentimes comes down to “satisfied customers.” How do you go about making sure your clients, subordinates and peers are satisfied with your work/leadership/vision? “My favorite quote by John Maxwell states, ‘People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.’ I believe success is achieved by defining expectations and then effectively communicating and fulfilling those expectations with your clients/peers/co-workers. We work every day to meet and exceed those expectations.”

How have attitudes changed about women in the workplace from the time you started out until now? Or, has there even been a change? “I see more women in management positions.”

Best mentor? “My business partner and CEO, Dan Parker.”

What’s one surprising or interesting fact about you? “I am an introvert; that surprises most people.”