LFCC Honeybee & Pollinator 2014′ project, conservation final faze
by January 28, 2015 10:30 am 94 views
Open invitation, come out to The Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing. Feb.3rd 2015 at 1: PM
There is a wonderful walking trail and arboretum at the LFCC (learning field’s chaffee crossing). During our 1st every Honeybee & Pollinator festival held at LFCC in 2014. Our pollinator conservation project & program addressed Bats as pollinators. Bat houses were built and donated, and now it’s time to establish the habitat and sanctuary for the bats. Bats will start coming out of hibernation in early spring looking for their warm weather daytime roost. Please accompany us, as we stroll through the arboretum and walking trails at Chaffee Crossing to locate and mark placements for our 6 single chamber dwellings. My crystal ball says the weather will be mostly sunny with temps in the mid to high 50’s, very good for an out of doors adventure and contributing to a project to improve our ecosystem and environment. We will meet at the Issac Witt Edu. BLD: 7300 Gardener Land. Fort Smith, AR. At Chaffee Crossing. Feb. 3rd 2015 at 1: PM. We will view a short screening on, “Bats as pollinators and how and why attract them to your garden”. The walk will proceed at 1:45 PM. Participation is free and open to the public and will improve your health and our environment. See you there.
Contact; Leslye Buol; 918 839 6003
E-mail [email protected] and go to our website: www. Learningfieldsatcc.org and follow us on Facebook
The Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing, is a nonprofit 501-c3 organization. And actively seek donations and support. You’re partnering and support is greatly appreciated.