Mike Ross, Republican Governors Association Trade Jabs

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 124 views 

Expect more of this — from both sides.

On Tuesday (June 10), Democratic gubernatorial nominee Mike Ross released a new TV ad to combat what he describes as “negative attack ads” from his GOP rival and the Republican Governors Association (RGA).

Ross’ new ad, “Truth,” highlights his “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, his vote against the final Affordable Care Act legislation, and a 2013 “independent” ranking from National Journal magazine.

“Congressman Hutchinson and his out-of-state special interest friends have spent millions trying to convince you I’m something that I’m not,” said Ross in the TV ad. “All those untruthful ads against me won’t improve our schools or create more or better-paying jobs for your family. That’s why my campaign for governor is about fighting for you, our future and the common sense Arkansas values we were raised on and still believe in.”

On Monday, the RGA ratcheted up its TV and radio advertising opposing Ross’ candidacy in an effort to boost GOP nominee Asa Hutchinson’s viability.  Recent polls have showed both candidates with leads and political observers expect the race to remain close through November.

The RGA began re-airing an earlier ad titled “Record.” That ad attempts to tie Ross to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama. It says that Ross voted for the Wall Street, mortgage industry, and auto industry bailouts and added $7 trillion in new debt to the national treasury.  The bailouts were adopted under former Republican President George Bush and reauthorized or continued under Obama.  The ad also highlights Ross’ votes surrounding the economic stimulus package.

“It’s laughable that Mike Ross continues to paint himself as an independent,” said RGA Communications Director Gail Gitcho. “His record in Congress is rife with examples of his blind allegiance to Nancy Pelosi, President Obama and other big-spending Washington liberals. From day one, Ross was eager to support their failed policies and every dollar they recklessly overspent. Come November, Arkansas voters will see right through Mike Ross’ attempts to cloak his liberal agenda with fallacies of independence.”

UPDATE:  Brad Howard, spokesman for the Ross campaign, issued the following statement:

“Congressman Hutchinson and his Washington buddies are trying to rewrite history in order to win an election. Mike Ross was a proven bipartisan leader for fiscal responsibility in Congress, voted against Obamacare and was consistently rated as one of the most independent members of Congress by National Journal. In fact, the only time Speaker Pelosi had an opponent, Mike Ross gave the nominating speech and voted for that opponent. If we can’t trust Congressman Hutchinson to run a fact-based campaign, how can we trust him to be our next governor?”

You can view both of the TV ads below.