Hillary Clinton On Pryor, Arkansas GOP And A Presidential Run

by KATV Channel 7 ([email protected]) 90 views 

KATV’s Elicia Dover interviewed Hillary Clinton at her book signing in west Little Rock on Friday (June 27).

The potential 2016 Presidential candidate and former Senator, First Lady and Secretary of State weighed in on topics ranging from the Pryor-Cotton Senate race, recent comments made by a former Arkansas Republican Party official, and her Presidential prospects.

From the interview:

Elicia Dover: And another hard choice you have possibly coming up, you said you want until the end of the year to decide whether or not to run for president. What do you think you have to figure out in the next six months?

Hillary Clinton: Well, I want to do first of all is really enjoy becoming a grandmother. I don’t want to be thinking about anything else except what’s one of the most important events in my life and certainly in my daughter’s life and I want to be as supportive as I can and I don’t want to be looking beyond that. Also we have an important election in November coming up here and around the country. I think people should be focused on who’s running in those elections and get out to vote for the people you think will do the best job . Then I will really start to consider the plusses and the minuses and make a decision, but I’m not ready to do that now.

Dover: And speaking of being a grandmother, I’m sure you’re excited. Do you think you’re going to look into that baby’s eyes and say, nope. not going to do it. I want to be a grandmother.

Clinton: Well I don’t know until I meet him or her. And that’s what I want to do. I want to just feel the whole experience. I’ve been very fortunate in supporting my husband and certainly other people who have run for office. I’ve run myself and I’ve won and I lost when I ran for president. I know how all consuming it is. I don’t want to be distracted. I want to get to know this baby. I want to be there for my daughter and her husband. and you can’t do that if you’ve already made some decision that’s going to take you away. So appreciate everyone’s interest, but I’m going to do this in the way that’s not only right for me, but right for the country. We don’t need these marathon elections. We need to be focused on the work at hand and make the hard choices for our country. So that’s what I hope happens.

You can read more or watch the full interview at this link.