For IT Executive And Author Dan Harpool, It Starts With Planning
“Everybody needs motivation,” says Dan Harpool, CEO of Complete Computing and the author of a new book, “The Little Book of Planning Wisdom.”
The collection of inspiring quotes have been used by Harpool to motivate audiences and strategic planning sessions he’s led for decades.
“I’ve been doing strategic planning and seminars since college. Over those years, I’ve had so many people come and ask me, ‘Where did you get that quote? I didn’t know it was from that person. Hey, can you send that to me?’. So I just decided to put them all in a book,” Harpool said in a Talk Business Arkansas webcast/podcast interview.
The book, which can be purchased through, is organized in chapters that pull together motivational planning quotes from the Bible, philosophers, world leaders, military leaders, sports figures, politicians and more.
For Harpool, planning is the first step to solidly managing any organization or enterprise.
“You can’t organize, you can’t direct, you can’t lead or any of the other phases [of management] without having a plan. Planning doesn’t have to be the three-inch manual that you put on a shelf and that people look at once a year. It should be a process,” Harpool said.
Learn more about the book and view more of Harpool’s interview on planning, leadership, and management in the video below.