Democratic Group Airing Ads On Cong. Cotton (UPDATED)

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 128 views 

Cong. Tom Cotton (R), who is widely believed to be the top GOP challenger to incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor (D), is the target of a new ad expected to air for the next two weeks in Arkansas.

Roll Call reports:

A Democratic outside group launched a TV ad in Arkansas on Thursday targeting GOP Rep. Tom Cotton, a potential Senate candidate.

The ad, which will air statewide for the next two weeks, portrays the freshman Republican as someone “out for himself, not us.” A source said the total ad buy from the affiliated groups Senate Majority PAC and Patriot Majority USA is for about $270,000.

The ad, which you can view below, claims “Cong. Cotton forgot about us” while “seeking the national spotlight.” It cites his national exposure on cable and broadcast news interviews as well as his vote on Medicare legislation.

Patriot Majority USA is a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)(4) headed by Democratic political strategist Craig Varoga, a veteran of the Clinton, Gore and Kerry campaigns.

Pryor has been the subject of numerous attacks in recent months from both sides of the political spectrum and he has aired response ads to the commercials.

Senate Conservatives Action has aired TV advertising claiming Pryor votes in line with Pres. Obama 95% of the time.  The left-of-center Mayors Against Illegal Guns, supported by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has aired TV advertising criticizing Pryor’s vote against the Manchin-Toomey gun legislation.

UPDATE: Caroline Rabbitt, spokesperson for Cotton, responded to the new commercial.

“Congressman Cotton isn’t one to ride someone’s coattails, he is indeed an outspoken fighter for Arkansas, especially against Obamacare. He hasn’t encountered many Arkansans who want their elected officials to follow instead of lead, but I guess some Democrats have low expectations of their elected officials, who aren’t capable of much more than sitting on the back bench.”

UPDATE II: John Burris, Political Director for Congressman Tom Cotton, also offered a comment on the ad.

“The ad released by Harry Reid’s political cronies yesterday is completely factually inaccurate. In fact, based on its claims, the national Democratic party is turning their backs on Mike Ross—one of their top candidates for governor—who voted against Obamacare when he was in Congress. Is it safe to assume we’ll see a similar ad attacking him in the near future?

“I don’t see why Barack Obama and Harry Reid feel the need to insert themselves and Washington Democrat’s money in Arkansas politics when Tom Cotton is just working for his constituents. Unless of course it’s to shore up a vote for their liberal, out-of-touch agenda.”