Brawner: Meet Your Next Governors - Talk Business & Politics

Brawner: Meet Your Next Governors

by Steve Brawner (BRAWNERSTEVE@MAC.COM) 94 views 

Steve Brawner uses his mid-week Stephens Media column to profile the recently elected Boys State and Girls State governors.

Scott Sims from McGehee and Abby Hutton from Springdale were both chosen, respectively.

Neither had thought much about running for office before this summer, but after their weeklong immersions into government and politics, both are interested now.

Abby said she was already politically aware – she calls herself “kind of a states’ rights person” who believes in a small federal government – before she arrived at Girls State. She’s a Student Council president who is active in her church and community. She knows what she wants to do in life – work as an industrial engineer. She’s also a pilot who volunteers at the Veterans Administration hospital with her dog, Annie.

Scott, meanwhile, is a good student with a 31 on his ACT who is still mulling his options for college and career. He was not particularly politically aware before arriving at Boys State. Instead, he’s been preoccupied with excelling in school and growing up – which is exactly what he is supposed to be doing. “Before Boys State here, I would have probably told you I don’t have much of an opinion,” he said. “Between football and … my four AP classes, I haven’t really had time to keep up with politics or anything. It’s hard to find time to breathe and sleep.”

What do they think of politics and politicians in general after their experiences? Read more here.

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