Tom Cotton Takes A Victory Lap

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 107 views 

Fresh off last week's resounding primary victory, Fourth District GOP Congressional nominee made media rounds.

Cotton garnered nearly 58% of the vote in the primary, escaping a run-off against Republicans Beth Anne Rankin or John Cowart.

Donna Terrell with our content partner, Fox 16 News, quizzes Cotton on questions being raised from national Democrats. Also Cotton says it doesn't matter to him whom he will face this fall.

A June 12 run-off between Sen. Gene Jeffress (D-Louann) and Hot Springs att

orney Q. Byrum Hurst will decide the Democratic nominee.

Joshua Drake, the 2010 Green Party nominee, will also be on the ballot this November as will Libertarian Party nominee Bobby Tullis.

You can view Cotton's Fox 16 interview below.
