Flyer Attacking Cotton Has Fourth District Buzzing

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 124 views 

In the final days before the primary, all sorts of craziness breaks out.  Although this year is relatively tame, it still has had its moments.

One item that has people buzzing down in the Fourth Congressional District is a flyer being sent out that attacks Republican candidate, Tom Cotton.

Picture of the flyer below. It basically attacks Cotton for:

  • attending Harvard (which it points out is the same college Obama attended and implies that means they are in cahoots)
  • being in his thirties and not being married (which it implies must mean he doesn't like girls or something)
  • for writing some horrible anti-gun papers in his college days (papers he never actually wrote)
  • for conspiring with Obama to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell (which is just plain crazy)
  • and for working for a Washington D.C. consulting company called McKinsey and

    Company and having ties to K Street and a host of horrible bills.

As best I can tell, the only thing true in the flyer is that he did attend Harvard,  served in the military, and worked for McKinsey.  Other than that, it is pretty much all false.

The flyer asks voters to vote for John Cowart instead of Cotton.  The Cowart campaign said they have nothing to do with it.

“We will not participate in, nor condone such negative campaigning. It is classless and dishonorable,” said Cowart's campaign manager Vanessa Moody.

It seems to me whomever is sending this around hopes to not only smear Cotton, but also make Cowart look bad as well.
