Clinton Airport Signs 5-year Deal For Digital Advertising

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 98 views 

The Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock signed a new advertising arrangement that will guarantee a healthy revenue stream for the facility, while upgrading the airport's signage.

The airport inked a deal with Clear Channel Airports, a marketer of airport advertising, in a move that will overhaul the entire advertising program in Little Rock travel hub.

The agreement, which is effective immediately, will include large format video wall packages, LCDs, and digital touch screens. Also, the deal will add environmentally-friendly tension fabric displays to replace most backlit signs and a smaller number of lighted displays will use LED edgelit technology, which uses considerably les

s power than traditional signage.

Shane Carter, director of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations for the airport, says the arrangement will be a money-maker for the facility.

“The airport will receive a privilege fee that equals the greater of a maximum annual guarantee of $160,000 or 50% of gross revenue on ad sales and 40% of technology set-up costs,” he said.

Clear Channel Airport’s program includes partnerships with two local Little Rock businesses: The Design Group and Doyne Construction. The companies will provide Marketing & PR services, as well as general contracting and ongoing maintenance services, respectively.

The signage improvements are expected to be completed by July 1, 2012.
