Tolbert: Cotton Has Momentum In Fourth District GOP Primary

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 96 views 

Talk Business blogger Jason Tolbert was our guest on this week’s television program.

Tolbert dissected the results of last week’s GOP primary poll from the Fourth Congressional District, which showed the race to be a dead heat between Tom Cotton and Beth Anne Rankin.

The Talk Business-Hendrix College Poll showed Cotton and Rankin tied at 38.5%. The third Republican in the race, John Cowart polled 4% with 19% still undecided.

Tolbert says he was surprised that Cotton had closed the gap as quickly as he had. He noted that Cotton’s fundraising advantage, campaign spending and travel throughout the district was paying off.

“While most people have heard of Beth Anne Rankin, they’re still undecided if she should be the nominee or not. Cotton has a chance to go in and make his case,” Tolbert said.

“I think right now Tom Cotton has all the momentum. As we see, he’s closed that gap and his numbers are on the rise,” he added.

With less than a month to go, Cotton has a sizable fundraising advantage over Rankin, who launched a new TV ad this week. Rankin also will rely on former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s coattails for a push as was evidenced by this recent video.

You can view Tolbert’s full analysis below.