Huckabee’s Rankin Video Takes Swipe At Cotton

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 102 views 

Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has been a stalwart supporter of Fourth District Republican Beth Anne Rankin for Congress, sends a video message to supporters today that takes aim at Rankin’s chief rival, Tom Cotton.

The Huckabee video never mentions Cotton by name, but it conveys the message that Rankin is the “home-grown” candidate in the former Arkansas Governor’s eyes.

“Here’s the real kicker. She was born here, she’s lived her whole life here, she’s been educated in the district,” Huckabee said.

“She is not somebody who just parachuted into the district because she was looking for a way to get to Washington,” he adds.

Cotton served in the U.S. Army, was educated at Harvard and returned to Arkansas recently, in part to make a Congressional run.

Rankin was an aide to Huckabee for most of his tenure as Governor. She worked in intergovernmental relations, which included coordinating local, state and federal government issues.

John Cowart is also seeking the GOP nomination for the open Congressional seat.

You can watch the full video below.