Democratic State Legislator To Push Same Sex Marriage Issue

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 189 views 

The topic of same sex marriage does not come up in Arkansas very much.  I have not seen a recent poll on the issue, but even Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe is against it. In 2004, voters passed an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution defining marriage as “only of the union of one man and one woman” by 75 percent of the vote.

But one Democratic state legislator says he plans to seek to change this by pushing for same-sex marriage in next year’s legislative session.

Rep. Hudson Hallum – who recently escaped having a primary opponent and does not face a Republican in November – took to his Facebook page (screenshot) to weigh in on what he admits is a “controversial subject.”

“I wonder if candidates who preach more liberty & freedom will support same sex couples’ liberties & freedom and support same sex marriage, or civil unions if that works for ya,” writes Hallum. “In my opinion, it doesn’t matter what your views on same sex relationships may be, they are people and deserve to have the same right to the pursuit of happiness that we are all guaranteed in America.”

He goes on to say that he plans to follow up his words with actions.

“I will be supporting this issue in the 89th General Assembly when the number of progressive democrats multiply in AR,” said Hallum.

Will Hallum’s fellow Democrats rally around this one?  Doubtful as indicated by the fact that many of them declined to even state their position on this issue when asked about it by the Family Council for this year’s voter guide.

At least Hallum deserves credit for speaking up on his beliefs even if they differ from mine.

UPDATE – Hallum tells me this afternoon that although it is a possibility he may introduce legislation on this issue, he does not have anything specific in mind yet.

“That is just my viewpoint but before I make an official move on the issue I of will be consulting the voters of my district first,” said Hallum.

Also, another Democratic state house candidate Sam Lane said he agrees with Hallum. “Same sex marriage is against my religion, but not governments job to discriminate,” tweeted Lane who faces incumbant Republican Rep. Stephen Meeks in the House race in the Greenbrier area.