John Burkhalter for Governor Website
by March 23, 2012 2:54 pm 218 views
Arkansas columnist John Brummett tweeted an interesting item today noting several high profile Arkansas politicos that might be running for office in the next cycle. Among them was Gov. Beebe appointee to the Arkansas Highway Commissioner, John Burkhalter.
A bit of internet surfing and I found that a website – – has been set up. There is not much information on it other than an email address for, but the website is not privately registered. It is listed in John Burkhalter’s name with his Chenal address in west Little Rock.
I called the phone number which is also listed and reached his business at Burkhalter Technologies. After being transferred to several people, none of whom would comment but all of whom seemed to know what I was talking about, I was told that Burkhalter is currently out of town.
So it looks like Mr. Brummett is certainly on to something. If I hear back from Burkhalter from my phone calls or email, I will let you know, but in the meantime I look forward to Brummett’s column.
If Burkhalter runs, definitely looks for it to be as a Democrat based on his recent list of contributions to the Democratic Party of Arkansas, Joyce Elliott for Congress, and Hillary Clinton for President.