ERC a Victim of Mistaken Identity
Folks who’ve heard that ERC Inc. recently filed for bankruptcy might be thinking of the development company in Barling, near Fort Smith, founded by Buddy Coleman in 1957.
A company named ERC Inc. did file for Chapter 11 reorganization on Sept. 19, but it wasn’t the Barling firm. The bankrupt company, headed by George Smith, is based in Little Rock.
Alan Lewis, an attorney with Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard PLLC in Rogers who represents the Barling ERC, said the confusion arose from “an unfortunate series of errors.”
The Little Rock business had changed its name from LRE/Royal Electrical Contractors Inc. to ERC Inc. a few days before filing the bankruptcy petition, and the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office accepted the new name, not realizing it was already in use. After filing the petition, the company was notified of the error and reverted to its original name.