Growing Strawberries Like Your Granddad Used To Do

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The Learning Fields at Chaffee Crossing will be hosting another class in the "Antique Gardening Series" titled "Growing Strawberries Like Your Granddad Used To Do".  This class is taught by Isaac Witt, River Valley Master Gardener.

The emphasis of the class will be "preparing for next year’s production". The class will show how to get the maximum production from next years crop. The presentation is a hands-on experience where the class members will actually prune back the existing rows. This pruning process will be done after this years production of strawberries is completed. Your Granddad called this process ‘barring off the rows’. This process will allow new plants to get established and grow into mature plants. These new, mature plants will produce strawberries during next years growing season.

The class is free to the public and no pre-registration is required. If more information is needed, please call 479 285-0148.