Supreme Court vote reflects on U.S. Senate race in Arkansas

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 74 views 

It won’t be the defining issue of the U.S. Senate race in Arkansas, but the U.S. Senate confirmation of Elena Kagan does spell out the political philosophies of Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Republican U.S. Rep. John Boozman.

Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Pres. Barack Obama’s second Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, on a 63-37 vote.

Roby Brock, a content partner with The City Wire, noted in his report that Lincoln and Boozman both issued statements on the Senate approval. Lincoln’s words echoed her "bi-partisan" approach to serving in the Senate, while Boozman painted the vote as part of a liberal agenda.

“As a U.S. Senator, I have a responsibility under the Constitution to determine if nominees to the Supreme Court are qualified for the job," said Lincoln. "In making this determination, I consider a nominee’s knowledge of the Constitution and the law as well as their ability to be deliberate and to hear every case that comes before them impartially and without personal bias. I believe Ms. Kagan passes that test and that she is qualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Lincoln said she reviewed Kagan’s record and had two personal visits with her. "I believe she was as forthcoming in our conversations as any individual whose Supreme Court nomination I have considered," Lincoln added.

Boozman opposed Kagan’s nomination and wasted little time criticizing the vote for her approval. 

"When considering a lifetime appointment to our nation’s high court, the people of Arkansas want a judge who will interpret and defend the Constitution, not reinvent it,” Boozman said in a statement. “Elena Kagan’s support of public funding for abortions, anti-military and anti-Second Amendment views are troubling. She was clearly nominated so President Obama could replace the most reliable liberal vote on the Supreme Court with another activist judge.”

Continuing, Boozman noted: “It is disappointing that Senator Lincoln chose to listen to President Obama’s wishes over the concerns of Arkansans once again. By voting to confirm Elena Kagan, Senator Lincoln supported a nominee who holds deep-seeded liberal leanings over Arkansas values.”

Link here for Brock’s full report on the vote.