Fort Smith board to review citizen comment policy

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 64 views 

Following recent outbursts by citizens at televised board meetings, Fort Smith city officials have reviewed rules related to citizen forums at board meetings and will present two proposals to the board at a March 23 study session.

Citizens complaining about taxes and spending by the city have dominated the citizen forum period at the March 9 and March 16 board meetings. One particular outburst included a citizen repeatedly yelling an expletive at the directors as the board members attempted to remind the citizen that children were present or watching the live broadcast at home.

“The staff and city attorney have researched the citizens forum item included on each agenda for regular meetings of the board of directors. What we’ve found is that our practice is different from what’s required by the Fort Smith municipal code,” noted Deputy City Administrator Ray Gosack noted in a memo.

The city code requires citizen complaints to first go to the city administrator’s office prior to being presented at a board meeting. The administrator then attempts to resolve the complaint and report results or options back to the citizen. If the citizen is not satisfied with the response, then the complaint can be made in public to the board.

Current city policy allows citizens two minutes to address the board on any matter at the beginning of each regular board meeting. If a complaint is made, often the board asks the city staff to review and report back to the citizen or the board.

In his memo, Gosack outlined the advantages and disadvantages of sticking with the current policy or more closely following the city’s municipal code.

CURRENT POLICY (two minutes to address the board on any matter)
• “Citizens have direct access to their elected officials at a public meeting.”
• “Citizens may present their items at a public meeting without any delays.”

• “There’s no opportunity for staff to investigate or research the item before it’s publicly presented. Incomplete or misleading information can lead to hasty conclusions.”
• “The board and staff may find it difficult to provide a meaningful response at the meeting where the matter is presented, and may fell compelled to give a reaction rather than a well thought out response.”

MUNICIPAL CODE (first present complaints to city staff)
• “If the matter is presented publicly, the board has the staff’s investigation and analysis of the complaint or item of business.”
• “The board can engage in informed discussion at the public meeting.”

• “Citizens may not present their concerns initially to the entire board. They must first present their concerned to an appointed staff person.”
“A citizen may have to wait 2-4 weeks before being able to present a concern at a board meeting.”

The city board is expected to review the policy options during a study session that begins at Noon, Mar. 23, in the Community Room of the Fort Smith Public Library.