Creekside Pays $9.7 Million for Raw Acreage
CT Northwest LLC, of which Sean Glancy is its manager and sole member, sold 90.6 acres to Creekside Development LLC on Jan. 30, 2004 for $9.7 million. The property, located in Benton County off of Arkansas Highway 94, is raw land.
Members of Creekside include: The Nabholz Group Inc., of which Greg Williams is a member; Nabholz Properties Inc., of which Charles Nabholz is president,; Nabco Mechanical & Electrical Inc.; Terminilla & Associates Inc., of which Tom Terminilla is president; Tom Norter; Terry Johnson; and CHIS LLC. Creekside got a $9.7 million loan through Simmons First National Bank of Conway on Jan. 30 for the purchase.
No word yet on plans for the site, but we’re hearing mixed-use commercial.