Tyson Reaches Wastewater Deal

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 147 views 

Tyson Foods, Inc. has reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice and the State of Missouri to resolve issues relating to past dischargee of wastewater at operations in Sedalia, Mo. According to a statement by the Springdale food firm, the unresolved issues related directly to wastewater discharge in excess of permit levels from untreated water entering the operation’s storm water discharge system. Most of the incidents occurred prior to 2001.

“Ensuring that each of our operations meets all environmental requirements is a top priority,” Greg Lee, Tyson’s chief administrative officer, said in a prepared statement.

Although the fines bear no material impact on Tyson’s current earnings, the firm agreed to pay $ 5.5 million to the federal government, $1 million to the Missouri Natural Resources Protection Fund and $1 million to the Pettis County School Fund. As part of the agreement with the Department of Justice, Tyson will have to do the following:

• Fund a third-party comprehensive environmental audit of all its Sedalia operations and implement an enhanced environmental management system there, as well as in eight additional locations.

• Establish a new corporate chief environmental officer position at Tyson Foods headquarters and conduct corporate-wide environmental compliance audits at all poultry operations by year end.

In addition, Tyson has instituted mandatory storm water management training for all plant employees.