Lipper Locks In on BOK Mutual Fund
BOK Financial Corp. recently saw its short-term income fund get named the best in a class of 91 similar products by Lipper Analytical Services. The American Performance Short-Term Income Fund, managed by Brian Henderson, was the short-term investment grade debt fund with the highest average annual total return during a five-year period ended Dec. 31. It was the second-straight year the fund won.
Similar funds managed by Fidelity, Vanguard and other nationally recognized fund families competed in the same category. A press release from BOK — which is based in Oklahoma City, Okla., but operates a number of regional banking operations including Bank of Arkansas — said the award asserts the firm’s place among mutual fund managers.
Average annual returns were 6.72 percent during the five-year period compared with a 5.55 percent average of all the funds in the category, according to Lipper. The American Performance family also includes cash management, equity and other bond funds.
“For the second year in a row, Brian Henderson’s guidance has produced the No. 1 short-term income fund in the category competing against some of the more well-known mutual funds in the nation,” said Jim Huntzinger, BOK’s chief investment officer.
For the one and three-year periods, the fund ranked 18th out of 122 and eighth out of 102, respectively. The Lipper ranking is based on total return and does not reflect a sales charge.