Outdoor-Sports Store Doubles Space
Last month, Uncle Sam’s Safari Outfitters moved in to a 6,400-SF space next door to its previous location in Fayetteville’s Evelyn Hills Shopping Center.
The move in to the space that previously housed Discount Bible doubled the size of the outdoor-sports store.
Uncle Sam’s has been at Evelyn Hills Shopping Center in Fayetteville since 1985. The store first opened in the back room of a used clothing store on Dickson Street in 1982, said owner Robert Ginsburg. This is the second time the store has moved from one location to another within the shopping center.
Ginsburg expanded the store’s clothing and boot lines with the space expansion. He said the store is carrying about 20 percent more inventory at the new site. The previous store was too crowded with inventory, he said.
“I don’t want it to get as jammed as it was in the other store,” he said.
Uncle Sam’s caters primarily to hikers, backpackers, hunters, climbers and cavers.