Corporate Stonewalling?

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 178 views 

Remember the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal article on Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s defense of personal injury lawsuits (“Settle suits? Not when you’re Wal-Mart,” Dec. 14, 1998)?

Apparently, plaintiffs attorneys across the country are attaching the article to their motion papers, Bob Van Voris, a reporter with The National Law Journal says.

One judge in Texas, in Meissner v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., imposed an $18 million discovery sanction against Wal-Mart recently.

Judge James Mehaffy says Wal-Mart has a “corporate policy” of frustrating the discovery process in Texas courts.

In a recent National Law Journal article, Van Voris wrote that Wal-Mart has been fined for discovery violations in at least 15 cases in the past three years.