Nibbles Building Mortgaged, Company Plans Expansion
by August 10, 1998 12:00 am 102 views
The building that houses Nibbles Food Emporium and Nibbles Gourmet Catering was mortgaged June 19 for $325,900.
AICDI Inc. of Fayetteville received the loan from Community Bank of Fayetteville. The mortgage was signed by C.S. Stephens as president and secretary of the company. The money was used to refinance an existing debt on the property.
The 3,040-SF building at 3290 N. Lee Ave. was erected in 1996. It was appraised last year for $221,050.
Nibbles is in the process of expanding. The company has leased 4,000 SF in Market Plaza in Fayetteville and plans to move its retail division into the building. The catering service will remain at the current location. Wright & Associates, an event-planning company, will lease space in the Lee Avenue building.