Fund Established for Blake Michael Thompson
Mike Thompson got a promotion of his own recently to new father. Thompson, a founding partner of Thompson Earnhart & Associates Inc. in Fayetteville, and his wife, Melinda, are the proud parents of Blake Michael, who was born May 9.
But there are problems. The baby, born two months early, has an extremely rare and serious condition, congenital leukemia, which requires 47 weeks of chemotherapy treatment. Even then, Blake Michael will have to remain hospitalized for some time for continued observation.
The Thompsons know their son faces an uphill battle, but they’re prepared.
“We have to take it one day at a time,” says Mike Thompson. “If you look too far in the future, you get overwhelmed.”
“There’s not a whole lot of good” in the situation, Mike Thompson says. “We do have a sense of peace and hope. It’s in God’s hands.”
A fund has been established to help defray those expenses not covered by insurance. The account number for the Blake Michael Thompson Medical Fund at Bank of Fayetteville is 80020577.