Personhood Amendment Won’t Have Arkansas Right to Life Support
by November 9, 2011 9:35 pm 160 views
The director of Arkansas Right to Life says her organization will not be a part of a controversial “personhood” amendment like the one defeated in Mississippi Tuesday night (Nov. 8).
Rose Mimms, executive director of Arkansas Right to Life, tells the Arkansas News Bureau that if the measure aimed at protecting unborn children couldn’t pass in pro-life Mississippi, it would likely not pass in Arkansas.
The personhood amendment, which drew opposition for some of its potential unintended consequences, failed in Mississippi 58-42%. A similar measure is being pursued by supporters in Arkansas for a possible 2012 ballot try.
From the Arkansas News Bureau:
“Mississippi is the most pro-life state in the country. They have more protective measures than just about any other state that I know of,” said Rose Mimms of Little Rock. “If they couldn’t pass it in Mississippi, I don’t think Arkansas has a very good chance either.”
A ballot question committee has formed in Arkansas to seek to put a similar measure on Arkansas’ 2012 general election ballot and advocate for its passage. Preston Dunn Jr. of Blytheville, the president of Personhood Arkansas, did not return calls seeking comment today, but he told the Arkansas News Bureau last week that passage of the Mississippi amendment would be “a great shot in the arm” for the Arkansas effort.
If that effort goes ahead, Arkansas Right to Life will not be part of it, according to Mimms.
“I wish them the very best, but we won’t be joining their efforts,” she said. “We’ve got our own work to do.”
Gov. Mike Beebe (D) offered comments on the proposal. You can read more here.