by Talk Business & Politics -

UA Tech Companies to Make May Moves

Several technology companies are prepping to move their offices around the University of Arkansas, the Genesis Technology Incubator and the Innovation Center located at the UA Research and Technology Park in south Fayetteville.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Fort Smith Builders Avoid Spec Development

If you build it, they might not come. That?s what Fort Smith developers are thinking when it comes to upscale spec houses. A struggling economy and the possibility of Beverly Enterprises leaving has builders shying away from specs.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Shadow Valley Sells a Lifestyle

From hogs to homes, Charles Reaves transformed the Shadow Valley landscape into a community boasting not ?just? 900 lots, but a way of living in the 534-acre subdivision. Includes the 2006 Neighborhood Profile of Phase I of the subdivision.