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Barber Denied

Developer Brandon Barber?s request to employ attorney Vaughn Knight in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of his Lynnkohn LLC was denied by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Arkansas, on Sept. 8.

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More Wrangling

The upcoming Oct. 20 trial date to resolve the 16-month conflict between developer Tom Terminella and Metropolitan National Bank of Little Rock is in jeopardy after a series of motions filed on both sides.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Mountain Ranch to be Sustainable Park

The folks at Colliers International tell us they will have a big announcement in the next couple of weeks regarding the 460-acre mixed-use Mountain Ranch development located north of Sixth Street, along Interstate 540 in west Fayetteville.

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Wal-Mart Rolls Out New Logo

During the week of Aug. 18, Wal-Mart replaced the well-known logo with a new, de-hyphenated design punctuated by a ?spark? at the Fayetteville Mall Avenue and the Rogers Walnut Avenue Supercenters.