Tag: Gov. Mike Beebe

by The City Wire staff -

Statewide trauma system kudos

We talk a lot about how Arkansas’s Payment Improvement Initiative and the Private Option have advanced and are stabilizing our health-care infrastructure. However, it was just six years ago that…

by The City Wire staff -

Beebe’s final budget proposal

During my last year in office, I have visited many annual events and celebrated many annual traditions with a sense of nostalgia. At each of these occasions, I was acutely…

by The City Wire staff -

Praising the Private Option

During his recent trip to Louisiana, Bill Clinton took time in his speech to thank the people of Louisiana. He thanked them for playing a role in paying for Arkansans’…

by The City Wire staff -

Positive policy development

For too many years, when Arkansans talked about the price of their health insurance, good news was rare. For decades, costs have increased annually, hurting working families and leading to…

by The City Wire staff -

Economic engines

In Arkansas, economic development manifests itself in many ways. In the past 10 days, we've seen a constant stream of announcements that will bring good jobs and new opportunities to…

by The City Wire staff -

Science and technology necessary for jobs

With every passing year, science and technology grow more and more important to economic success. It is research that fuels technology's advances and creates opportunities for tomorrow. Therefore, one of…

by The City Wire staff -

UTeach participants needed

Another academic year is underway, and we are one step closer to 2020. That is the predicted date when three-fourths of the jobs in Arkansas will require advanced skills in…

by Michael Tilley -

Reflecting, already

The back and forth advertisements from Arkansas gubernatorial hopefuls Asa Hutchinson and Mike Ross often elicit an emotion a more disciplined journalist would not reveal. And that emotion is this:…

by The City Wire staff -

Tourism industry treasures

Throughout my time as Governor, we have seen many twists and turns in the national economy that have made their impact known in Arkansas. Throughout both the tumultuous and brighter…