Tag: Fort Smith area home sales

by The City Wire staff -

Water park recalculation

Take a wrong turn while using some of the popular GPS-based travel instruction devices and a pleasant female voice will immediately say, “Recalculating.” That’s the essence of our recommendation to…

by The City Wire staff -

NWA downtown appeal, development continues

Downtown areas continue to attract investment across Northwest Arkansas. Springdale and Rogers are actively working to boost their downtown exposure as retail growth has moved westward toward to Interstate 540….

by The City Wire staff -

What a difference a year makes

This time last year the political rhetoric and conversation around coffee was about the expiration of the Bush “tax cuts.” Most provisions lowering federal income taxes after President Bush had…

by The City Wire staff -

Same-sex cohabitation and Amendment 83

This week, one of the most often violated “laws” on unmarried cohabitation in child-custody cases was finally ended by a ruling from the Arkansas Supreme Court. No longer will unmarried,…