Tag: Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

by The City Wire staff -

Alice and the Rockwells

It’s not often one gets to give a suggestion to a member of the wealthy billionaire Walton Clan of Northwest Arkansas. But here goes. “Dear Ms. Alice: “Please consider buying…

by The City Wire staff -

Inside: Nuptials at Crystal Bridges

BENTONVILLE — Brooke Burckart wasn’t even engaged when the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art opened on its famous date, Nov. 11, 2011. Her fiance, Robert Sanderson, proposed on Friday the…

by The City Wire staff -

Crystal Bridges exec leaving

BENTONVILLE — Matt Dawson, deputy director for art and education and a member of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art’s senior management team, is leaving to pursue opportunities in the museum…

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Outsiders make it “in” to Crystal Bridges

BENTONVILLE — It’s been said in art and tourism circles that the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art will bring people to Bentonville who might never otherwise take the initiative to visit….