
by Boyd Evert -

A New Year’s resolution for Walmart

Walmart touches every aspect of our region in a positive way — directly or indirectly employing tens of thousands of people in Northwest Arkansas and generously supporting causes that strengthen…

by John Burris -

10 rules for legislators

Editor’s note: This essay, written by John Burris, first appeared two years ago at the beginning of the 90th Arkansas General Assembly. Burris is a former member of the Arkansas…

by Frank Scott, Jr. -

A thankful reflection on public service

Editor’s note: Frank D. Scott Jr. is a banker, former state highway commissioner and a board member of the Little Rock Port Authority. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Calling the system an SOB

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Dec. 28, 2008, on The City Wire, now Talk Business & Politics. It continues to be an appropriate note to begin a new year….

by Ancil Lea -

HIPAA audits and redacting

Editor’s note: Ancil Lea is the former coordinator for the Arkansas Office of Health Information Technology. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of…

by Martin Thoma -

Can you brand sand?

Editor’s note: Martin Thoma is an author, speaker and blogger on how to live your brand. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of…

by Mike Preston -

Fidel Castro is dead. What’s next?

Editor’s note: Mike Preston is executive director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of the author(s). –––––––––––––––––––…

by Ben Noble -

The push to sell Arkansas rice and chicken in China

Editor’s note: Ben Noble is president of Noble Strategies, a consulting firm based in Little Rock that represents Arkansas Rice and Tyson Foods. ––––––––––––––– While we’ve made progress in expanding…