
by Frank Scott, Jr. -

Little Rock, let’s get to work

December 4, 2018 was a defining moment for Little Rock. Not just because of the historical significance of the Mayor’s race, but because of the clear direction given to us…

by Robyn Staggs -

Infrastructure to grow

Nearly a decade after craft beer first achieved mainstream popularity, industry growth remains steady. The national craft beer market now tops $26 billion, and key players continue to seek new…

by Stacey Mason -

Where the magic happens

I am a big fan of the sciences. I’m an even bigger fan of the arts. And I’m fanatic about the intersection of the two because that’s where the magic…

by Kevan Inboden -

Searching for energy solutions

Coal has been used to produce electricity since the 1880s and has played a major role in providing low-cost electricity for many regions of our country. City Water and Light…

by Jordan Karnes -

Self-storage investors find strong prospects in NWA

New construction and development have been prevalent across Northwest Arkansas, and the self-storage sector is no exception. Whether it’s brand new ground-up projects, expansions or remodels, developers have been addressing…

by Tina Sewell -

Earn an ‘A’ in investing

Forget buyer’s remorse. It’s about this time every fall when parents of college students are often more remorseful about paying for dorm fees or rent rather than an equity-growing investment…

by Stacey Mason -

Replace judgment with curiosity

Replace judgment with curiosity. I don’t know if these words found me or if I found them, but they have transformed my life, my work and my understanding of humanness….

by Paul Holmes -

The more things change …

Two things, music and the passage of time, in the right circumstances seem to smooth the rough edges of one’s memory. So it was pretty easy — sitting in a…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Remembering Raymond

This week we are to remember the military men and women who served this country — especially those who saw combat and those for whom combat was the last thing…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: It’ll never work

The City Wire launched Nov. 1, 2008. 10 years ago. A few folks like Fred Williams and then homebuilders association president Dave Hughes were supportive of the concept of an…