
by JC Scott -

In defense of PBMs

In Arkansas, Washington, D.C. and state capitals across the country, there have been heated discussions over the role pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) play in today’s health care marketplace. Simply put,…

by Meredith Lowry -

Smart contracts in blockchain explained

Blockchain. It’s persistently in the tech news. And on July 23, Arkansans can start signing electronic contracts and records using “smart contracts,” or computerized legal transactions using blockchain. But before…

by Jamie Gates -

Dare to compare: finding our ‘peers’

Editor’s note: Jamie Gates, executive vice president of the Conway Development Corp., is a new monthly Talk Business & Politics contributor with his column, “Data Points.” Gates will explore data…

by Paul Holmes -

Too much of a good thing

As if we needed confirmation, headlines around the U.S. accompanying a recent national weather story provided it. Yes, indeed, if we hadn’t figured it out already, we were told “The…

by Paul Holmes -

Car tags and carbon

And miles to go … Is it too soon? Too soon for what, you might ask. Too soon to be thinking about the November 2020 elections, of course. If it…

by Ray Hanley -

Why does tobacco cessation matter?

Reducing tobacco use in Arkansas would save lives, reduce the cost of public benefits and improve the health of all Arkansans. Legislatively, Arkansas has made great strides in reducing smoking…

by Joe Quinn -

Don’t let 206 miles divide us

The now completed 2019 Arkansas General Assembly session was historic for Arkansas roads and bridges as lawmakers passed a funding package that will exceed $400 million annually if voters agree…

by Rhonda Ellis -

The coaching-style leadership

International Coaching Week is celebrated April 29-May 5. Professional coaching has gained additional exposure over the years and continued growth is estimated to be a $2 billion global industry. The…