
by Stacey Mason -

15 things learned since my 20s

Of all the twists and turns our lives take as we conquer careers and grow into the true leaders that we were meant to become, nothing is as powerful as…

by Paul Holmes -

The sound of business

It had been nearly 50 years since I’d spent any time in northern Alabama before a brief trip there last week. I was interested to see not only what had…

by Mark Hodges -

Cybersecurity and heart disease

Being proactive about cybersecurity requires effort, investment and a willingness to be inconvenienced. That’s why most take a wait-and-see approach. Let’s start with the fact that those are confusing, dangerous…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: It’s gonna be like this for awhile

Those outraged by legislation promulgated by the majority Republican legislative bodies during this unprecedented Arkansas Legislative Session should know it’s not personal. Many legislators believe their actions are in your…

by Luis Cantu -

Tips for becoming a stronger saver in 2021

April is National Financial Capability Month, a time to encourage people to take action to improve their financial futures. According to a recent Bank of America survey, 43% of Americans…

by Chuck Hyde -

Your eyes and gut will fail you

In 2003, Michael Lewis released his book “Moneyball.” It’s a study of the Oakland A’s and their general manager, Billy Beane, and their analytical, data-driven approach to selecting players to…

by Greg Kaza -

Fort Smith’s niche

Last year’s recession is a reminder the business cycle has not been repealed. In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) declared that a…

by Jason Kincy -

It’s good to be in the change game

Every successful business adapts and changes, whether it is related to customer tastes and preferences, market and economic conditions, competitors, technology, or all of the above, all at the same…

by Erik Dees -

Avoid the collision

I was driving home late at night, anxious to return home. As I passed the car in front of me, it made a sharp turn into my lane without warning….

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Garage sale guidance

Editor’s note: This essay was first published Jan. 23, 2005. It is posted again to provide some guidance as the weather warms and we begin to emerge from our pandemic…

by Paul Holmes -

It’s time

As the COVID pandemic marked its first anniversary, Gov. Asa Hutchinson had two words for Arkansans: diligence and vaccination. By diligence, Gov. Hutchinson said in late March he wants Arkansans…

by Clint Lazenby -

Takeaways for Walmart’s future

Each year, Walmart hosts a biannual investor summit. The investment community has an opportunity to hear from Walmart’s leadership about company performance, visibility in the upcoming year and insights into…