
by Michael Tilley -

Anger and misinformation

There is much anger in this emerging discussion over what to do with the Fort Smith Convention Center. There is even more misinformation. For the misinformation and anger and financial…

by Michael Tilley -

Primary thoughts

Our primary election came and went. Good people won and good people lost. The real losers are those of us who fail to stop and enjoy the process — this…

by Michael Tilley -

Fortunate son (2010)

Editor’s note: This essay was first posted May 10, 2009. A lot has changed in Mom’s world. The world in 1949, the year of her birth, was a crazy place….

by Michael Tilley -

The Rosey

We’ve received a few more real letters from a real reader with a troubled dog. Or maybe it’s a real dog with a troubled owner. Anyway, as noted in our…

by Michael Tilley -

Elvis is the answer

The folks recently met who were appointed by the Fort Smith board of directors to figure out what to do with the Fort Smith Convention Center and the potential of…

by Michael Tilley -

Think beyond the pandering

Once again we voters are peppered mercilessly via our television, radio and mail box to support candidates who deserve our votes because they love the Lord, love the Constitution and…