Guest Commentary

by The City Wire staff -

Cronyism and forms of government

One of the most common reasons I hear for opposition to Fort Smith changing its form of government to the mayor/council for is cronyism. I personally think this argument is…

by The City Wire staff -

Re-homing should be illegal

A loud public outcry has risen this past week over the revelation that Rep. Justin Harris, R-West Fork and his spouse, Marsha, after legally adopting two young girls, “gave” these…

by The City Wire staff -

A death penalty alternative

This past week, retired Circuit Judge David Burnett, now state Senator David Burnett, D-Osceola, let his temper get the best of him. He openly castigated a remark made by one…

by The City Wire staff -

The open carry question

By now, a lot of Arkansans have heard about the “open carry” controversy stirred up by a billboard outside of Conway advising citizens that state law allows them to openly…

by The City Wire staff -

Avoiding ‘rage without focus’

The 90th General Assembly – thus far splendidly absent notable drama – is reaching its halfway point. Debates over taxes and healthcare are temporarily suspended, creating an opportunity for other…

by The City Wire staff -

Hutchinson’s honeymoon

It seems as if Asa Hutchinson is enjoying a honeymoon period at the helm of the Arkansas' state government. Given that a public official’s approval rating is usually rock solid…

by The City Wire staff -

Hand-wringing over guns on campus

I try to understand the perspective of others, specifically those with whom I disagree. If you can’t explain both sides of an issue, you don’t fully understand the issue. You’re…

by The City Wire staff -

Big pay raises for the elected class

The Independent Citizens Commission has set the proposed pay increases for state legislators, judges and constitutional officers. Everyone needs to take a big deep breath and read on. The pay…

by The City Wire staff -

A short note on eviction law

On Jan. 20, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Herbert Wright, Jr. signed an order finding Arkansas’ criminal eviction statute unconstitutional. That’s been reported more than a few times over the past…

by The City Wire staff -

My ‘tax reform’ pet peeve

Any “tax reform” passed by Congress and signed by our President this year, next year, or in any future year will never change this one fact: by design, the sole…

by The City Wire staff -

Return to the political past

From the end of the Civil War until the 1970’s, the South was solidly Democratic, thus making it the so-called “Solid South.” It’s been said that it was Democratic because…

by The City Wire staff -

The speed trap app

A story the Associated Press ran about a popular smartphone app serves as yet another reminder that technological advances often raise legal issues that courts will have to struggle with…