Cook’s Outlook

Cook’s Outlook

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Mark Martin: Can’t Hit The Floor

Several readers have asked why I have not written anything about Republican Secretary of State Mark Martin with all his stumbles and fumbles. 

It’s simple: Martin is so incompetent that I could end up writing about him every day of the week.

As Secretary of State, Mark Martin is so bad he makes me long for the unethical days of Bill McCuen. 

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Collins-smith: Always A Republican

Today’s announcement by State Rep. Linda Collins-Smith that she is switching from the Democratic to the Republican Party gives the GOP something to crow about for awhile.  My take?  No big deal, she was a Republican all along.

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Cover-up? What Did They Know And When Did They Know It?

A few weeks ago, I broke a story about a potentially illegal fundraiser benefiting the GOP House Caucus that featured Congressman Steve Womack, Lt. Governor Mark Darr and many Republican state legislators.  The fundraiser apparently broke numerous federal campaign finance laws and after much debate the House GOP Caucus agreed to return corporate contributions from the event. 

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Voldemort And Out-of-touch Republicans

Hitler and Nazis are the Voldemort of American politics.  Saying their names always cause great problems.  Republican State Representative Nate Bell doesn’t get that basic concept and is so out of touch that the concept of apologizing for saying stupid things escapes him.

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It’s A Toss-up, But Democrats Can Win

Mike Ross’ retirement makes the Fourth Congressional District a "toss-up" in 2012.  With an open seat in a swing district, both political parties will spend millions to win it and at this point either party could pick it up next November.