Agriculture & Timber

by Kim Souza -

Consumer beef prices rise almost 23% in May

Consumers craving hamburgers, steaks and brisket paid high prices for the beef they purchased in May ahead of Memorial Day. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said retail beef prices rose…

by Talk Business & Politics staff -

LeadAR seeking applicants 

LeadAR, one of the state’s leadership programs, is searching for its next class of leaders. Operated by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, LeadAR offers participants an in-depth…

by Kim Souza -

Analyst: Beef markets move past disruptions

U.S. beef markets are starting to recover from several weeks of upheaval after packing plants around the country were hit hard with COVID-19. Derrell Peel, livestock marketing specialist for Oklahoma…

by Heather Nelson -

Solar empowers agricultural industry

Arkansas’ agricultural industry is no stranger to economic ups and downs. With each planting and breeding season, farmers and ranchers must consider how unpredictable weather patterns, international trade tensions and…