Author: Steve Brawner

by Steve Brawner -

Facebook Not Friends With Social Media Privacy Bills

Facebook doesn’t “like” two bills being considered by state legislators – one that would allow certain employers to require access to their employees’ social media accounts, and one that would give personal representatives access to a deceased person’s digital records.

by Steve Brawner -

Sen. English Plans Workforce Education Package

Sen. Jane English, R-North Little Rock, will present a package of workforce education bills that will reorganize the state’s career education programs under the Department of Career Education, create a…

by Steve Brawner -

State Chamber Planning Workforce Push

The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce is preparing a major campaign to call attention to the state’s workforce needs and opportunities. Meanwhile, legislators are preparing to consider a package of workforce-related bills.

by Steve Brawner -

House Passes Governor’s Computer Coding Class

The Arkansas House of Representatives voted 99-0 to pass Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s signature education proposal requiring computer science to be offered at all Arkansas high schools and charter schools. House…

by Steve Brawner -

Meet The New Little Rock School Board

Tony Wood is now not only the state’s education commissioner but, as of Wednesday (Jan. 28), effectively the Little Rock School District’s school board. The State Board of Education’s takeover…